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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Benefits of Using Educational Learning Games For Home Schooled Children

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
In recent years, educational and learning games or also known as educational learning games have been used as supplementary teaching and learning tools by parents or private tutors who teach children with the use of the home schooling or home education approach of educating kindergarten and primary school age children. The educational and learning games used for home schooled children would primarily consists of two types. The first type is the traditional educational and learning games that could be bought from bookstores and toy stores. The second type is the free online resources that could be downloaded for free or for a small fee from various Internet websites that are dedicated to online resources for home educated children.

Many home education experts and advocates have stated that there are several benefits or advantages when educational learning games are simultaneously used as supplementary teaching tools by the parents or tutors in teaching lessons to the home schooled children. In addition, there are traditional and online resources for educational and learning games that would also allow the children to learn on their own or allow them to self-study.

Therefore, it is beneficial for parents and tutors if they use the educational learning games that could be used as teaching tools for the children and at the same time, those games could be used by the children for learning by themselves. Another benefit of using educational and learning games as supplementary tools in home education of children is the emotional bonding that occurs when a parent and child are playing together.

Educational Learnings


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