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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Internet and Novels as Sources of Educational Learning

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Educational learning can be accumulated anywhere we go. It is not limited inside the classroom, the school or academic environments. There are many educational materials outside the traditional school and academic confines. These materials include published books, internet and magazine articles and many others.
  • Published Books – Aside from textbooks and text references which may or may not be suggested by schools, almost all published books are sources of educational learning. One best example are novels. Authors of novels base their writing on facts and verified information. They are supposed to do this because they are subject to regulation by the government and the industry they are in. For example, an author writing a novel with a story about independently produced movies, or indie films, use facts. The author should have enough knowledge to do this, or else he will be criticised for using fallacies. He could be a player in the indie film industry himself and have enough knowledge about it. Alternatively, he could interview or have as consultant a person who has the sufficient knowledge.
  • Articles from the Internet or Magazines – Another source of educational learning are written articles from the internet or magazines. At first glance these sources may not be academic or educational; however, they contain lots of information which are indeed educational. For example, blogs written by student nurses where they post their sentiments are sources of information about what it is truly to be inside nursing schools. Even the comments in these blogs, news articles and other articles can be sources of educational or academic learning.

Educational Learnings


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