In the disciplines of education and psychology, the education learning or educational learning theory is usually defined as the idea or hypothesis on how people and animals would undergo the process of learning for understanding and comprehending the complex process of learning. The education learning theory has the two primary goals – the first is providing us with the conceptual framework and vocabulary in interpreting and understanding the examples of learning that we observe, and the second is providing us with suggestions on how and where to find solutions to practical problems.
According to various experts and researchers, there are at least 22 educational learning theories that have their own specific definitions and purposes. However, many experts would agree that there are four education learning theories that are commonly discussed and studied in the subject areas of psychology and education. The four primary education learning theories are commonly used as field of studies or topics of discussion in academic settings such as universities and colleges in both undergraduate courses and in postgraduate education.
The four primary educational learning theories are the theories of behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism, and transformative learning. The behaviourism theory is based on three basic assumptions. The first assumption is that learning is expressed or personified by a change in behaviour. The second assumption is that the environment would shape the behaviour. The third assumption is that the principles of contiguity or proximity and reinforcement are essential for the explanation of the process of learning. The cognitivism theory is based on the assumption that the ways people would think would affect their behaviour.
Educational Learnings
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