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Friday, December 10, 2010

How to Improve Your Educational Learnings through Effective Note-Taking

Friday, December 10, 2010
Note-taking is very important for students. It is like having a print out of your brain’s files. Studying notes you yourself have written has many advantages. It is a personal memory recall; and there is nothing better than personal learning.

Note-taking done during lectures can be modified into a process so that it will bring better results. This kind of note-taking which is seen during class discussion or lectures, to be effective or more effective, should be supported by other steps:

Start the Process before the Discussion

Yes, you should start the note-taking process before the discussion starts. How to do that? Read and study beforehand in advance. There are a lot of ways to know what the next topic is and stay ahead. If your professor does not tell you to study in advance, you can try asking him or her. Do this humbly to show your sincere intention of learning. Some professors also provide students with module outlines or syllabus.

In advance reading, you will be able to understand better what the professor will say in the lecture. You can focus more on what he will be saying and jot down notes that you understand. You can also concentrate less on note-writing and more on listening. When you listen better, you can do the next step which is taking note of pointers or hints.

Listen Up for Pointers or Hints

While the lecturer or professor is discussing the topic, he or she will mention points that will be included in the coming examination on the topic. Because you are paying good attention, you will be able to intercept the alert that your professor is giving you. This will greatly help you as you are able to narrow down remaining areas which are not sure of being included in the examination.

Educational Learnings


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