As a student or a professional, you do not stop learning and accumulating education. Professionals and all other adults continue to improve. Most of the advancement achieved by adults are through continuing learning and education. If you look at successful people, you will notice that most of them achieved success because of continued accumulation of knowledge and skills. Behind this means of achieving success is emotional intelligence. Without emotional intelligence, these people would not be able to persevere in their studies and other endeavours.
To be able to continue learning in further studies, professional development and in life as a whole, you should develop or improve emotional intelligence. Follow these steps:
1. Assess Yourself with Complete Honesty
Being honest to yourself, observe and describe the way you react to people and situations. If you are quick to judge others before validating the information involved or you stereotype them, you should improve on this aspect. If you quickly judge others, you will get upset easily and this will affect your plans for the next few hours. Instead of studying for your masters class as planned, you will be going out for a hike outside to address your being upset or your anger. Hasty reactions can be detrimental to relationships in the home, work or school and will affect your plans for the coming days.
2. Expect Less of Appreciation
This is especially applicable to work group settings in your career or in higher studies. Do not worry about not getting the recognition you deserve. There will always be people who know the true value of your contributions and these are the more intelligent and emotionally intelligent people. Be humble of your contributions and achievements. Overly expecting appreciation from others will just result to frustration when not realised. This frustration will lead you to achieving less, instead of continuing your work and gaining more learnings.
3. Evaluate and Accept Yourself
Know your weaknesses, accept them and improve yourself on these aspects. Be very honest to yourself and tell yourself to be confident and assured despite these weaknesses which you will work on. People with less emotional intelligence do not improve because they succumb to their weaknesses.
Educational Learnings